Drink your beets! By Deliciously Ella

Hello everyone! When I woke up this morning, I wanted to eat/drink something unusual for my breakfast, a bit crazy and warm. I thought about porridge, oatmeal, but that's not unusual! When I looked into my fridge, I saw many vegetables which of beets and then I said to myself "here we go, let's try Deliciously Ella's crazy recipe: warming beets juice" Without saying that with this kind of rainy parisian weather this recipe couldn't be more timely! 

Before starting with the recipe, let me present you my second best inspiration: Ella! She is only eating and cooking whole and plant-based foods and came to cook amazing recipes only by combining, mixing and matching fresh and organic ingredients. Her blog shows how easy and delicious it is to make healthy meals, gives tips on how giving your body the love and nourishment it needs to feeling great and encourages you to embrace a positive and healthy way of life

Back to the recipe she made. This is a combination of a juice and a soup as she decided to warm it up just after juicing the veggies. I was a bit skeptical until I tasted it and I have to admit this juice/soup was delicious. I choose to add a bit of celery, ginger and lemon, my favorite detox ingredients to make it even more nourishing and great for my body. 

Recipe for 2 glasses: Preparation 10 minutes

  • 1 lemon
  • 2 carrots 
  • 2 beetroots 
  • 2 green apples
  • 2 tall celery stalks 
  • 10 grams of ginger
  1. Put all the ingredients into a juice maker. 
  2. Collect the juice and pour it into a saucepan.
  3. Gently heat the saucepan for a couple of minute, keep it on a low heat at all times – you want it to cook slowly and take it off the heat before it reaches the boil.
  4. Once the juice is nice and warm but not boiling hot, pour it into your mug or glass and enjoy!